Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Bach Flower Remedies – A Precious Gift From Our Mother Nature.

Know everything about Bach Flower remedies, their use, symptoms, doses etc.

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bach flower remedies

Mental Stress is very common in today’s fast-paced world. This can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Peace of mind is deteriorating day by day. Due to the competitive environment, various types of negative defects manifest in human beings. Murders, fighting, brutality are on the rise. In such a turbulent world the “Bach Flower Remedies” invented by Dr Bach are a boon.

The human mind is infinite like an ocean. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), being physically, mentally and socially fit means ‘complete health’ and not just the absence of disease or weakness. Experience has shown that even in this, if the balance of the mind is not right, then disorder arises at the physical level.

It is very important to have a healthy mind to lead a good life. To keep the mind healthy, it is important to reward love, compassion, peace, goodness, honesty, forgiveness by discarding destructive emotions like anger, greed, hatred, lust, jealousy, doubt.

Bach Flower Remedies - Best for Mental Health

An unhealthy mind can cause disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, headache, diabetes, high blood pressure. In short, mental stress upsets the balance and results in illness. In the nineteenth century, Dr Bach studied this subject deeply and discovered “Bach Flower Remedies”.

Today’s world is fast-paced and everyone has to adjust to it. Because, if this pace is not maintained, the pace of life will deteriorate and become unbalanced.

Today everyone is running after some or another matter. Sometimes behind wealth, sometimes behind prestige, sometimes behind success, sometimes behind fame! In today’s world, everyone is physically tired, in the same way, mentally tired, and this fatigue makes him sick. 90% of the world’s diseases today are caused by mental illness. This is called a “psychosomatic disorder”. Along with the physical symptoms of the patient, the symptoms of the mind should also be taken into account for the first time in 1930 by Dr Edward Bach.

Although Dr Edward Bach was a highly educated doctor his inclination was more towards nature. While treating patients, he began to realize that the physical symptoms were getting worse due to ‘mental’ restlessness. This made him realize that ‘the person in disease should be treated more than the disease’.

The patient’s attitude, mental state, lifestyle, way of thinking should all be kept in mind while prescribing the medicine. We have lost our balance with nature and if we want to recover it, we have to find its solution in nature itself. Inspired by this idea, Dr Edward Bach travelled to the valleys of Wales studying plants, flowers and fruits, and after about six years, he solved the riddle of nature.

Dr Edward Bach found thirty-eight types of flowers which have healing properties.

Bach Flower Remedies - Boon for Humanity

…. Many times we get sad, disappointed, want to sit in solitude far away from the world. The whole life seems pathetic, also had suicidal thoughts.

Sometimes we have a feeling that we are unwanted. Sometimes we get annoyed unnecessarily.

..Sometimes the fear of known causes; for example, the result of the examination, the fear of going to the interview, will the husband, who left for work in the morning, return safely in the evening? Worrying about it, or worrying about whether your child will fall while playing. If they go to the doctor, they are afraid that they will be diagnosed with some serious disease. There are many such types of worries which we know the reason for.

Often this fear is only for a short time. But in that time that fear disturbs your mind. 

Sometimes we are afraid but we do not understand exactly what we are afraid of; We don’t know the reason but we are scared. Then we start trembling, we may also have palpitations and fainting. 

Sometimes this symptom causes the patient to lose confidence. Then it becomes impossible for him to leave the house alone, cross the road, go in the dark. His decision-making ability is reduced. He doesn’t want to express his grief to anyone. If at all he shares this with a friend or a doctor, they tell him, “Don’t think too much, it will be cured by itself”.

This instability of the mind gives rise to diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. In such a time, a flower medicine specialist should be consulted and if he takes the prescribed flower medicine, then according to the intensity of the disease, amazing results can be seen in 8 to 15 days. In short, flower medicine gives strength to the mind as well as to the body.

These bach flower remedies  are not habit-forming or have any side effects and can be taken while on any other medicine. This is because these medicines do their job well without interfering with any medicine. Hence these medicines work well for everyone from infants to the elderly.

Bach Flower Remedies Chart / Bach Flower Remedies Diagnostic Chart.

The list of 39 Bach flower remedies along with their indications is as follows;

1) Agrimony: People who have great sadness, tension, mental pain but they show false happiness on their faces.

 2) Aspen: Anxiety and fear of imaginary things 

3) Beech: Rude, demeaning others, harsh critics. 

4) Centaury: Low willpower and willingness to do anything for others. Sensitive, anything has an immediate effect on the mind.

5) Cerato: Stupidity, self-disgust, so constantly taking advice from others.

6) Cherry Plum: despair, suicidal thoughts, fear of losing control of the mind and doing something terrible.

7) Chestnut Bud: Learning nothing from experience, hence making the same mistakes again and again in life.

8) Chicory: Selfish, self-appreciating, possessive attitude. 

9) Clematis: People who are in a different tune, careless, sad, careless in everything.

10) Crab Apple: Hatred of self, complete despair.

11) Elm: People who do any work successfully but from time to time get frustrated due to increasing responsibilities and start believing that there is some deficiency in themselves.

12) Gentian: People of such nature who get frustrated in times of crisis, lose their patience and remain unhappy even in times of happiness.

13) Gorse: Great disappointment and despair.

14) Heather: A selfish, arrogant person who constantly talks about his problems or talks about himself constantly.

15) Holly: Suspicious and vindictive tendencies, jealous, envious of others.  

16) Honeysuckle: Constantly longing for home (Homesick), Constantly thinking about the past 

17) Hornbeam: Physical and mental fatigue, and the tendency to postpone today’s work for tomorrow

18) Impatiens: very tense mind, lack of patience, irritability. 

19) Larch: Lack of confidence, disappointment, tendency to predict failure.

20) Mimulus: Fear of known things. eg. Fear of disease, darkness, old age or death.

21) Mustard: Unprovoked sadness, grief. 

22) Oak: Fearless, industrious, tendency to keep trying in adversity.

23) Olive: Extreme mental and physical fatigue which prohibits him from thinking.

24) Pine: Feelings of guilt.

25) Red Chestnut: Anxiety about others, especially acquaintances and loved ones.

26) Rock Rose: Fear with anxiety, shock, panic.

27) Rock Water: Selfless, self-sacrificing attitude, tendency to stick to one’s own decisions.

28) Scleranthus: Uncertain in nature, tendency to change plans and decisions.

29) Star of Bethlehem: Mental and physical trauma and its side effects

30) Sweet Chestnut: Irritability due to repeated occurrences, The person who says that he has lost all his patience. 

31) Vervain: Excess enthusiasm, hence the excess of anything, the tension created due to that. Intolerance to injustice. 

32) Vine: Ambitious, power-hungry, dominant or authoritarian attitude.

33) Walnut: A situation arising out of any kind of change or new situation.

34) Water Violet: A solitary, meek, slightly arrogant attitude.

35) White Chestnut: Mind with continuous thoughts, lack of concentration.

36) Wild Oat: Uncertainty, discontent, despair.

37) Wild Rose: Lack of ambition, indifference, lack of empathy, lack of effort. 

38) Willow: Bitterness, tendency to blame others.

39) Rescue Remedy: This medicine is a combination of the above mentioned Bach Flower Remedies numbered 6, 9, 18, 26 and 29. This medicine should be used in an emergency situation, for example, accident, death trauma at home, time of major surgery, sudden dizziness, fainting or any serious event,

Other important information regarding this medicine:

1) The drug should be selected only on the basis of the mental symptoms of the patient. 

2) As the mental state changes, so do the medications.

3) You can also give a mixture of 4-5 medicines at a time.

4) These medicines are 100% safe and do not cause any adverse effects on the body.

5) This medicine can be taken thrice a day by adding 2-3 drops in a little water.  

6) It should be used in naturopathy but in case of serious illness, it should not be misused without consulting your doctor in time. Because every medicinal system has its limits.

7) These medicines are available from all homeopathic medicine shops in India.

In short, Bach flowers are an invaluable treasure to keep the mind happy, energetic and aspirational. We will forever be indebted to Dr Edward for his research on flower remedies. So let’s use it according to your needs and try to live your life to the fullest.

(Reference Book – “Dr Bach Yanchya Pushpa Aushadhi” – Mrs Asavari Kelkar and Dr Sachin Deshmukh)

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Amol Anokar

By Amol Anokar

Greetings, I'm Dr. Amol Anokar, a practitioner of Homeopathic Medicine, boasting over 22 years of experience in this field. Throughout my professional journey, I've been committed to guiding individuals toward optimal well-being using natural and holistic approaches. My profound enthusiasm for homeopathy and its profound impact on holistic healing has motivated me to extend my reach to a broader audience. As a result, I initiated a blog where I share my wealth of knowledge and insights regarding various aspects of health and wellness. Whether your goal is to enhance your overall health, address a particular health concern, or attain a more balanced life, I firmly believe that homeopathy can offer a secure and efficacious path to wellness. It is my aspiration that my blog will prove to be a valuable resource for those striving to lead a healthier and more contented life.